Wang Yan, Li Jiaji


Blogouse – Context

It is no doubt an inevitably shocking social evolution when Kevin Kelly described a chronology of the internet culture in his
famous article “We are the web”, Wired Magazine, 2005.

Now in 2005, the internet is never a substitution of traditional media, but an expansion of our real space which interchanges
with the real. We cannot calculate how big it is now. In this endlessly expanding web, all tiny little things are never been ignored,
but can be broadcasted widely instead. Blog, is only a new form of BBS, but born as a symbol of web2.0 which is a system
based on interaction of all kinds of creation. It is now an absolute peer to peer world. We surely can write on our blogs, publish
pictures of our lives, even upload video and other resources. On the other hand, we can also obtain what we need through it.
In this case, we are producers as well as consumers.

Kevin also expected a 2015 new web system, a system that never being controlled by mass media but turns into a place that
every single one can organize and join in. The enthusiasm results in too much surplus value that can lead to a society without
consumers. It is now a web of producers, a web community that interacting, which futurist Alvin Toffler called presumption.
As with blogging and BitTorrent, prosumers produce and consume at once. The producers are the audience, the act of making
is the act of watching, and every link is both a point of departure and a destination. Hey, what a world of communism!

Obviously, nowadays, young people are getting use to all kinds of new media that based on the web. Like, MSN, Wikipedia, Flickr,
Yourtube, there global platform of web2.0 have surely promised a Kevin’s future possibility. Therefore, when we discuss how
young people live in 80 sq meters, we cannot just stay inside the boundary, but go outside and connect to others. “The youth”
is never just a social species like “Chinese youth”, but represents a living system for all youth around world.

Blogouse is produced as an architectural concept of living for the future. It is not a spatial discussion in boundary, but living
model in the context of cyber-connection. It is rather a story than a design.



Blogouse – System

Every unit of Blogouse is like a node containing a link, a space of address, a space of contents.

80 sq meters is clearly too much for a single person in context of cyber-connectivity. With basic furniture and media intervention
as space of address in 30 sq meters, we can already live pleasingly. The rest 50 sq meters then becomes a space of contents
which was continuously presented to public by the connection.

Firsly, 30 sq meters is stable in real space which we called it “the Core”. It is like a standard produced unit with living devices, a
new example is Spacebox in Netherlands as students’ apartment. Comparing to this, the 30 sq meters provides more possibilities
of media service. In other words, although the Cores are the same, in local scale, but it is connected to a maximum scale of the
world as we want to. It is a space of personal freedom.

Secondly, we cannot ignore our social life connecting to neighborhood scale. When the user steps out to the so-called “capsule”
the 50 sq meters, he experiences a scale shift from “extremely local and global” to a regular social scale of neighborhood. It is
a real space that full of possibilities of life. The space is produced by the users and presents the lives of users. Therefore, the
Capsule is flexible in real space, but it constructs social space of living.


Blogouse – Story

Therefore, we propose a possibility of management in practice – Blogouse exchange. This is not a housing lease under the
control of internet, but a game of housing exchange based on their own lives. For example, a young dutch guy want to travel
to Shanghai, when the system is working well, he can easily find a young person who is pleased to accepted him in the
Capsule. The system is working endlessly.

The Blogouse is a huge platform of information service which contains not a specific information but information what the users
wish to know. It is more or less like the now, but provides personal information rather than public information. On the
other hand, it is also a place that contains all life information about the user himself, not only the content, but the links as well ,
like flickrs, youtubes, blogspots.





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